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- Diamond-Mobiel
- Diamond-Porto
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- Sirio-Porto
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- K-Po-Porto
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- N naar N
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- PL Right Angle naar PL Right Angle
- N Right Angle naar PL
- PL/hoek naar N
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- N naar BNC
- BNC naar BNC
- SMA Right Angle naar N
- SMA Right Angle naar SMA Right Angle
- N-Haaks - 7/16 Chassis Montage
- N Right Angle naar N
- PL Right Angle naar N right Angle
- 7/16 Male naar N -PL-7/16
- 2-core
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LDG Y ACC Interface Cable
€20.00Y-ACC. 36″ cable interface between the select Yaesu radios and LDG Generic tuners. Does not supply DC to tuner. Connects between the ALC/REM or ACC stereo jack on the radio and the Radio Interface on the LDG tuner.
Supported Radios:
FT-857(D), FT-897(D), FT-100, FT-100(D), FT-991(A) and FT-891. -
LDG-IC PAC Interface...
€15.00The IC-PAC-6 interface cables providing DC power and control between the radio and the autotuner. .
€15.00The LDG AL-PAC connects between your generic LDG tuner and Alinco radios to allow the radio to power the tuner and control it from the tune button on the front of the radio. This 3 foot cable works with DX-70, DX-77 and other Alinco radios that are compatible with the Alinco EDX-2 tuner, except the Alinco SR-8T.
LDG-Electronics CAT DIN 8
€20.00LDG Y-CAT Yaesu Interface-Kabel für LDG Z-817, AT-897 Plus, YT-100 Antennentuner
LDG IC-PAC -6...
€20.00The IC-PAC and IC-PAC-6 interface cables providing DC power and control between the radio and the autotuner. Available in six foot (IC-PAC-6) and one foot (IC-PAC).
LDG-Z 100 A
€265.00The Z-100A features LDG’s famous 10:1 SWR tuning range that matches Dipoles, Verticals, End fed wires, G5RVs or even an Off center fed Windham. Easy integration means plug and play operation; installation could not be simpler. The Z-100A tuner goes anywhere with and HF radio… desktop, portable, parks, islands, or tall summits.
LDG-RT 100
€389.00The LDG RT-100 is an automatic tuner intended for outdoor mounting at or near the antenna feedpoint, minimizing SWR losses in the transmission line. It handles up to 125 watts on SSB and CW. The RT-100 is weather resistant, and is powered over the coaxial cable via the included RC-100 remote controller/Bias-T.